



Email: qiongwu@hhu.edu.cn






2010.102014.10博士,巴黎第十一大学,海洋地质专业,导师,Christophe Colin

2007.092010.03硕士, 同济大学海洋与地球科学学院,海洋地质专业,导师,刘志飞















南海中-北部有孔虫钕的迁移行为及其示踪古洋流可行性研究(编号42176058)”, 2022.012025.12,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),负责人。








Wu Q*., Liu Z., Colin C., Douville E., Zhao Y., Wu J., Dapoigny A., Bordier L., Ma P., Huang Y. (2022). Dissolved rare earth element and neodymium isotope distributions in the South China Sea: Water mass source versus particle dissolution. Frontiers in Marine Science. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.1003749.

Lyu X., Liu Z.,*Wu Q.,* Colin C., Yu X., Liu C., Li Q. (2022). Quantifying iron oxide mineral contents in Miocene oceanic red beds for the deep-sea oxidation evolution in the South China Sea. Frontiers in Earth Science. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.875292

Wu Q.,* Colin C., Liu Z., Bassinot F., Dubois-Dauphin Q., Douville E. Thil F., Siani G. (2017). Foraminiferal εNd in the deep north-western subtropical Pacific Ocean: Tracing changes in weathering input over the last 30,000 years. Chemical Geology, 470: 55-66.

Wu Q.,* Colin C., Liu Z., Douville E., Dubois-Dauphin Q., Frank N. (2015). New insights into hydrological exchange between the South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean based on the Nd isotopic composition of seawater. Deep-sea research II, 122: 25-40.

Wu Q., Colin C., Liu Z., Thil F., Dubois-Dauphin Q., Frank N., Tachikawa K., Bordier L., Douville, E. (2015). Neodymium isotopic composition in foraminifera and authigenic phases of South China Sea sediments: implications for the hydrology of the North Pacific Ocean over the past 25 kyr. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems.16, doi:10.1002/2015GC005871.

Jian Z., Dang H., Yu J., Wu Q., Gong X., Stepanek C., Colin C., Hu L., Lohmann G., Zhou X., Wan S. (2023). Changes in deep Pacific circulation and carbon storage during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 605: 118020.

Yu Z., Colin C., Meynadier L., Douville E., Dapoigny A., Reverdin G., Wu Q., Wan S., Song L., Xu Z., Bassinot F. (2017).Seasonal variations in dissolved neodymium isotope composition in the Bay of Bengal. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 479: 310-321.

Dubois-Dauphin Q., Colin C., Bonneau L., Montagna P., Wu Q., Van Rooij D., Reverdin G., Douville E., Thil F., Frank N.   (2017). Fingerprinting Northeast Atlantic water masses using Neodymium isotopes. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2017.04.002.

Yu Z., Colin C., Douville E., Meynadier L., Duchamp-Alphonse S., Sepulcre S., Wan S., Song Li., Wu Q., Xu Z., Bassinot F. (2017). Yttrium and rare earth element partitioning in seawaters from the Bay of Bengal. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems. doi: 10.1002/2016GC006749.

Zhao Y., Liu Z., Colin C., Xie X., Wu Q. (2011). Turbidite deposition in the southern South China Sea during the last glacial: Evidence from grain-size and major elements records. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56 (33): 3558-3565.

Liu Z., Zhao Y., Colin C., Siringan F.P., Wu Q. (2009). Chemical weathering in Luzon, Philippines from clay mineralogy and major-element geochemistry of river sediments. Applied Geochemistry, 24: 2195-2205.

吴琼,刘志飞, 马瑞芳(2022). 有孔虫钕同位素的来源及其古海洋学意义. 地球科学进展, 37 (11): 1194-1203.


Wu Q., Colin C., Liu Z., Zhang Y., Zhao Y., Li J., Douville E., Geochemistry in foraminifera of sediment traps and core-top sediments from the South China Sea: implications for the application of Nd isotopes of planktonic foraminifera in paleoceanography. AGU fall meeting, 14-18, December, 2015. San Francisco, USA. Poster presentation.

Wu Q., Colin C., Liu Z., Douville E., Dubois-Dauphin Q. News insights of the hydrology of the Northwestern subtropical Pacific Ocean from εNd investigations of the South China Sea sediments. AGU fall meeting, 14-18, December, 2015. San Francisco, USA. Oral presentation

Wu Q., Colin C., Liu Z., Thil F., Douville E., Frank N. Nd isotopes from seawater and sediments of the South China Sea: implications for hydrology of the Pacific Ocean during the last 25 kyr. 11th International Conference on Paleoceanography, 1-6, September, 2013, Sitges – Barcelona, Spain, Poster presentation

Wu Q., Colin C., Liu Z., Frank N. Nd isotopic composition in the seawater from the South China Sea and the western Pacific Ocean. Workshop, Journées Climat et impacts, 19-20, November, 2012, Orsay, France, Poster Presentation

吴琼,刘志飞,Christophe Colin. 南海中中新世底层水Nd同位素及其洋流演化指示意义,第四届地球科学系统大会,201674-6日,上海,展板报告



2012.062012.07参加法国Ifreme海洋研究所Thalassa号北大西洋航次(ICECTD, Iceland coral ecosystems - climate and thermocline depth ocean circulation),开展冰岛珊瑚礁生态调查和海水采集工作。


